Doritos Bag Washes Up After 40 Years at Sea



Source: Alamy
A Doritos bag, believed to have been floating in the ocean for the past 40 years, washed up onto an Outer Banks beach in North Carolina last week.
Park Rangers found the plastic bag amongst other debris that had washed up onto the beach during a storm. Thinking the bag design looked odd compared to current Doritos bags they noticed the copyright date on the bag, which was from 1979. The Cape Lookout National Seashore rangers posted their unique finding to Facebook, writing, “This bag was found last week on the sound beach along the Soundside nature trail on Harkers Island along with other storm debris during a trail cleanup. The bag design looked “odd” to us, but we couldn’t put our finger on why until we noticed the date in the lower corner — 1979!”
But the Doritos bag also serves as a warning about the dangers plastic bags face to our ecosystem, with the park rangers quick to point out, “While this was sort of a neat find due to its age, it serves as a reminder that plastic trash lasts a long time, in this case almost 40 years!”