20 Different Types Of Apples And What They Are Best Used For



Apples are one of the most beloved fruits, cherished for their versatility and delightful flavors. From sweet to tart, and crisp to soft, there are countless varieties to explore and enjoy. This guide highlights 20 popular apple types, each with its own unique characteristics and uses. Whether you prefer eating apples fresh, baking them into pies, or making cider, there’s an apple variety perfect for your needs. Join us as we delve into the distinctive features and flavors of these delicious apples.


Honeycrisp apples are known for their sweet, juicy flavor and crisp texture. They have a balanced sweetness and acidity that makes them perfect for eating fresh. These apples are also great for baking and making cider. Honeycrisp apples have a distinctive red and green skin.

Granny Smith

Granny Smith apples are famous for their tartness and firm texture. They are bright green and often used in baking, especially for pies. These apples also hold up well in salads and can be enjoyed fresh. Their tart flavor pairs well with cheese and caramel.


Fuji apples are exceptionally sweet and juicy with a dense, crisp texture. They have a pinkish-red skin with yellow undertones. These apples are great for eating fresh and are also suitable for baking. Their sweetness makes them a favorite for snacking.


Gala apples are sweet, mild, and have a fine texture. They have a yellow-orange skin with red stripes. These apples are perfect for eating fresh, adding to salads, and making applesauce. They are one of the most popular apple varieties in the world.

Golden Delicious

Golden Delicious apples have a sweet, rich flavor and a crisp texture. They have a yellow skin that sometimes has a blush of red. These apples are versatile and can be used for eating fresh, baking, and making applesauce. They are also great for salads due to their non-browning flesh.


Braeburn apples are known for their balance of sweet and tart flavors. They have a firm texture and a red and green skin. These apples are excellent for both eating fresh and baking. They also hold their shape well in cooked dishes.


McIntosh apples are soft, juicy, and have a tart flavor with a hint of sweetness. They have a red and green skin. These apples are great for eating fresh and making applesauce. They are also used in baking, although they tend to break down and become softer when cooked.

Pink Lady

Pink Lady apples are sweet-tart with a crisp, juicy texture. They have a pinkish-red skin with a green undertone. These apples are perfect for eating fresh, adding to salads, and baking. Their flavor is well-balanced, making them a popular choice.


Jonathan apples are tart with a hint of sweetness and have a firm texture. They have a bright red skin with yellow or green patches. These apples are great for eating fresh, baking, and making applesauce. They are also used in cider production.


Empire apples are sweet-tart with a crisp texture. They have a deep red skin with hints of green. These apples are excellent for eating fresh, baking, and making applesauce. They are a cross between McIntosh and Red Delicious apples.


Cortland apples are sweet-tart and have a tender, juicy texture. They have a red and green skin. These apples are perfect for eating fresh, adding to salads, and baking. They are known for their resistance to browning, making them ideal for fruit salads.


Cameo apples are sweet-tart with a crisp, juicy texture. They have a red and yellow skin. These apples are great for eating fresh, baking, and making applesauce. Their flavor and texture hold up well in cooked dishes.


Jazz apples are sweet with a hint of tartness and have a dense, crisp texture. They have a red and yellow skin. These apples are perfect for eating fresh, adding to salads, and baking. They are a cross between Royal Gala and Braeburn apples.


Envy apples are sweet, crisp, and juicy with a firm texture. They have a red skin with yellow undertones. These apples are excellent for eating fresh and adding to salads. Their sweetness and crunch make them a favorite for snacking.

Red Delicious

Red Delicious apples are sweet with a mild flavor and a soft texture. They have a deep red skin. These apples are best for eating fresh and adding to salads. Their flesh is not ideal for baking as it tends to become mushy.


Rome apples are mildly sweet with a firm texture. They have a bright red skin. These apples are excellent for baking and cooking as they hold their shape well. They are also used for making applesauce and cider.


Jonagold apples are a cross between Jonathan and Golden Delicious apples. They are sweet-tart with a crisp, juicy texture. These apples have a yellow skin with red blushes. They are great for eating fresh, baking, and making applesauce.


Ambrosia apples are sweet and juicy with a fine, crisp texture. They have a red and yellow skin. These apples are perfect for eating fresh, adding to salads, and baking. Their sweetness makes them a popular choice for snacking.


Gravenstein apples are tart with a hint of sweetness and have a crisp texture. They have a red and green skin. These apples are excellent for baking and making applesauce. They are also used in cider production.

Crispin (Mutsu)

Crispin apples, also known as Mutsu, are sweet-tart with a firm, crisp texture. They have a greenish-yellow skin. These apples are great for eating fresh, baking, and making applesauce. Their flavor and texture hold up well in cooked dishes.


Exploring the wide variety of apples reveals the incredible diversity and richness of this beloved fruit. Each type of apple offers unique flavors, textures, and culinary possibilities. Whether you’re enjoying them fresh, baking into desserts, or crafting cider, there’s an apple variety for every taste and occasion. As you sample these different apples, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for their versatility and the joy they bring to our tables. Celebrate the deliciousness of apples by trying out some new varieties and discovering your favorites.


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