Filthy House? Why a Cleaning Schedule Can Unleash Your Inner Domestic Goddess



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Some of us are born with a love of cleaning – a domestic urge to keep everything spick and span. Then there are the rest of us who loathe and detest the thought of dusting, mopping, vacuuming and tidying. If the thought of unexpected guests ringing the doorbell fills you with dread, a good cleaning schedule may be just what you need to always keep your home visitor ready.
A quick online search for cleaning schedules will bring up multiple options, but first you need to decide what kind of schedule works for your life. Many people swear by dividing household cleaning tasks up throughout the week and doing a certain task on a certain day. The popular Flylady app is great place to start if the idea of splitting your home into zones sounds like it may work for you – or if you need someone to tell you what to clean and focus on each day!
Pinterest is also a great place to search and is full of cleaning schedule printables to download and tweak to your own specifications. Likewise, author Becky Rapinchuk’s blog Clean Mama offers free printables that go along with her book Simply Clean. Becky likes to split her housework into certain days. Monday is bathroom day, Tuesday is dusting day, Wednesday is vacuuming, Thursday is mopping and Friday is a catch-up day. Of course you can switch up the days according to what would work best for your own schedule.

Do you have a cleaning schedule? Or how do you keep your house clean when you're a busy mom??

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Or you may be a take one day and get it all done type of cleaner. But that takes discipline and the ability to never over-schedule yourself on that day. It may also feel overwhelming to think about cleaning a whole house in one day. This can also cause the dreaded procrastination to set in and then nothing gets done. So unless you really enjoy housework, you may find it easier to divide things up on a day-to-day basis.
Whether you decide on doing a little bit every day, or tackling the whole house in one day, cleaning experts agree there are a few things you should do every day to keep on top of your home and always have it appearing neat and clean – and the best part is it should only take about fifteen to twenty minutes a day!
Must Do Daily Routine Unload and load dishwasher and clean sink Wipe kitchen countertops Quick wipe and swish of bathrooms Quick pick-up Make bed One load of laundry Quick sweep If the thought of cleaning really fills you with dread try creating a music playlist of upbeat music you can blast to get you going. Or listen to a good audio-book or podcast. Try keeping all cleaning supplies all together in a caddy. A nice smelling house is also good for encouraging you to clean, so light one of your favorite candles, or an oil diffuser. For some inspiration head over to YouTube and search cleaning videos. Not only are they inspirational, they can give some great tips on creating a routine that works for you along with cleaning products that make domestic chores just a little bit easier!

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