How to Avoid Political Strife at the Thanksgiving Table

6 years agoon

There’s nothing like a good political debate to derail an otherwise perfect Thanksgiving. Whether you’re a staunch Republican, die-hard Democrat or ride out the politic storm somewhere in the middle, emotions and opinions can cause frayed relationships, angry responses and completely negate the true meaning of gathering around the table to celebrate Thanksgiving once the delicate topic of politics is broached.
So if you’re heading to a family table where you know differing opinions may cause a less than festive atmosphere, keep these tips in mind to help weather the storm.Whoever tries to argue politics at my Thanksgiving table gets THE FORK, which I forged with my own two hands.
— Josh Centers (@jcenters) November 20, 2018
Don’t Turn on the News If there’s one thing that can spark a heated political debate that’s the news, but fortunately parades and football are a plenty on Thanksgiving. So turn off the news and enjoy a good Thanksgiving Parade, or football game instead.
Be Prepared with Topics to Quickly Change the Subject From work, to holiday plans, to even the weather, there are a plethora of things to discuss other than politics so come prepared with a mental list of more amusing topics to talk about should the conversation start leaning towards politics.The *one* good thing about the freezing temps on #Thanksgiving: the relative who usually goes right into politics at the dinner table has the weather to complain about instead.
— Bekah Berger (@BekahBerger) November 20, 2018
Remain Calm So you don’t agree with your relatives political stance? There’s no need to get hot under the collar. Stay calm and remember just because their political views don’t vibe with yours it’s not worth causing an argument over. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if you don’t particularly like it, or agree with it.
Come with Activities Get outside, bring out a board game, have the kids put on Thanksgiving show or indulge your inner shopaholic by perusing the Black Friday circulars.Not looking forward to those awkward family discussions about politics, sports, or your relationship status at the #Thanksgiving table? We've got your back! Use your family's emergency communications plan as a diversion:
— Scott Co EM (@ScottCoEM) November 20, 2018
Have an Exit Strategy If things get really heated and the whole situation is causing you stress come prepared with an exit strategy where you can calmly leave early while keeping family relationships in tact.With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, here’s a holiday tip. Definitely discuss politics at the dinner table on Thursday. You just might be able to shorten your Christmas gift list and save some bucks.
— Andre Reekie (@andre_reekie) November 20, 2018
If you are the one hosting Thanksgiving, pay a little extra attention to who sits where at the table and avoid the drama by coming up with a well thought out seating plan.

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