Make Sure You are Eating These Foods Post-Workout



Source: Getty Images
To get the most out of your workouts and optimize your weight loss goals, eat these foods post-workout for the best results.
Whey Protein Source: Getty Images
Add a scoop of whey protein to your post-workout regimen as it helps with muscle restoration and increased energy. It will also give you a boost to your immune system. Be careful not to overdo protein intake as your body only needs about 10-20 grams.
Eggs Source: iStock
A great source of protein and energy, eggs are a great meal after your gym session. Low in calories and packed with amino acids, they are a great food for fast recovery.
H20 Source: Getty Images
Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! It’s important to re-hydrate your muscles with plenty of water. Sports drinks containing electrolytes also an option for hydration, but for if you’re goal is weight loss, choose a sports drink that’s both low in calories and carbohydrates.
Avocado Source: Pinterest
Avocados aren’t called Super Foods for nothing! They are packed with nutrients and are considered a healthy fat (monounsaturated fat) which is ideal for muscle repair. They also contain B-vitamins which can give your metabolism a much needed boost.
Greek Yogurt Source: Shutterstock
Yogurt is packed with protein and probiotics. Be sure to check the nutrition label when shopping for yogurt as some are loaded with extra sugars.
Bananas Source: Getty Images
A great source of potassium, bananas are perfect for sore muscles after you hit the gym.
Sweet Potatoes Source: Getty Images
Sweet Potatoes are a great source of carbohydrates, offering tons of nutrients such as Vitamin A and fiber.

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