Beyoncé Embraces Vegan Diet



Source: REX/Shutterstock
No meat or dairy for Beyoncé as she gets herself in tip-top performance shape!
Queen Bey has announced she is going Vegan as she prepares for her headlining gig at Coachella.
The musical diva made the announcement on social media after sharing a delicious – but very healthy – looking avocado toast creation picture to Instagram.
“44 days till Coachella!!” Beyoncé captioned the tasty shot. “Vegan time!!”
“Click the link in my bio to join me,” Beyoncé urged her followers. The link takes fans to the 22 Days Nutrition meal planner website where Beyoncé and husband Jay-Z write, “We want to challenge you as we challenge ourselves to move towards a more plant-based lifestyle and acknowledge you for standing up for your health and for the health of the planet.”
Joining the meal planning website costs $14 per month, or $99 for a yearly subscription and gives users access to “personalized recipes, unlimited printable menus and grocery lists, full nutritional analysis for every meal, on-demand help from food coaches and exclusive tips and advice.”

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