One Expert Warns Christmas Music May Damage Your Mental Health



Source: James Devaney/FilmMagic
With stores and radio stations amping up for the busy holiday season, it’s that time of year again where holiday music is played non-stop.
While some of us love the cozy, festive feeling Christmas songs provide, one expert is warning listening to holiday music too soon could damage our mental health!
According to Coast Mountain News, clinical psychologist Linda Blair warns preemptive Christmas music could trigger anxiety. “Holiday music might make us feel that we’re trapped,” Blair revealed. “It’s a reminder that we have to buy presents, cater for people, organize celebrations.”
All of those thoughts can lead us to feel anxious about everything we have to do and accomplish in time for December 25th.
However, Blair points out holiday music can be beneficial to one sector – stores!
“Some people will react to that stress by making impulse purchases, which the retailer likes,” Blair shared, adding those who unfortunately work in retail may not feel the same way.
According to Blair, we can negate the potential harm holiday music can cause by simply waiting until closer to the holidays to start listening to Christmas songs.