How to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

7 years agoon

Between the shopping, the parties, the eating and the drinking, it’s no wonder the overscheduled holiday season can leave us running on empty, or worse, leave us susceptible to illness.
If you feel overwhelmed with everything on your plate, there are a few things you can do to stay energized and healthy this time of year.A post shared by Silly, Snowflake And Family (@silly_and_snowflake_elf_) on
Get a Good Night’s Sleep – it can be easy to burn the midnight oil during the holidays, but getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night is crucial to let your body recuperate, help keep stress at bay and prevent brain fog. If you have trouble getting to sleep at night make sure to put away electronic devices at least an hour before bed, try soaking in a warm bath, or drink a cup of herbal sleepy-time tea before you hit the sheets.Bring on the coffee #coffee #momtired #needsleep #tired
A post shared by Ashleigh (@amacdonaldrhn) on
Eat Healthy – it can be hard this time of year to stick to a healthy diet and while it’s ok to indulge in all the holiday treats make sure you are sneaking in the recommended serving of fruits, veggies and lean protein each day to keep your body running in tip top condition. Too busy to eat healthy? Try incorporating smoothies, a green superfood drink, or a good multivitamin into your daily regimen.A post shared by FitnessbyMomo (@fitnessbymomo) on
Exercise – family members have you stressed? Your to-do list has you completely overwhelmed? Hit the gym, or yoga mat to combat that frazzled feeling. Even taking a brisk walk around the block a couple of times a day will help calm anxious feelings and clear your head. Meditation is also helpful in calming the mind and soothing internal chaos. There are some wonderful meditation videos on YouTube and apps to download.A post shared by Kirsty Lennox (@feastonfitness) on
Drink in Moderation – it may be tempting to hit the holiday party hard and consume more than your fair share of cocktails, but try to moderate your booze and alternate each cocktail with a big glass of water.A post shared by Becca Wilkinson (@mrswilkie1104) on
It’s OK to say “NO” – between family, friends, children’s schedules, gift shopping, parties and other holiday events we can feel completely worn out and running on empty. Just remember it’s ok to say “no” and don’t feel guilty for saying so! Feeling like you need to clone yourself just to squeeze everything in isn’t how you should be enjoying the festive season, so prioritize what’s important and cross the rest off your list.

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