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Kourtney Kardashian’s ex, Scott Disick has been spotted over the past few days with a mystery blonde, now known by the name of Lindsay Vrckovnik. The 18-year-old model and the 36-year-old reality star have been spotted partying until the morning hours in New York City and recently spotted on the beaches of Florida getting up close and personal.

Source: Instagram
How does Kourtney feel about Scott’s new relationship? She was spotted looking slim and fit all smiles while hiking.

Source: Twitter
According to a source from
Hollywood Life, “When Kourtney saw how old Lindsay was, she just laughed. She thinks it’s embarrassing he’s hanging out with such a young girl and shows just how insecure he is.”

Source: E! Network
The break up appears to play out on next week’s episode of
Keeping Up With the Kardashians, a clip from the upcoming episode showing Kourtney crying stating, “I worked so hard to keep this family together.”