New Survey Reveals Biggest College Regret and Worst Major



Source: iStock
A new survey by career and salary website Payscale may prove helpful to those about to embark on their college career by pinpointing the biggest college regret graduates have.
According to MarketWatch, the survey of nearly 250,000 Americans holding at least a bachelor’s degree found that – not surprisingly – the number one regret is student debt. Payscale found that 1 in 4 participants regretted taking out student loans to complete college. According to MarketWatch, the average student who graduates now does so with approximately $30,000 in student loans.
Payscale’s survey also looked at college majors – and in particular which ones graduates regret majoring in.
More than 1 in 10 participants regretted the major they chose with degrees in the humanities – specifically English and history – being labeled the worst.
“This may have to do with the relatively low salaries seen by common professions of humanities majors,” Payscale reveals.
Those who majored in computer science and engineering had the lowest level of regret, according to MarketWatch.

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