Americans Planning on Stockpiling Again Ahead of Election



Source: AP
A report from USA Today reveals there could be a second wave of stockpiling as some Americans fear shortages due to the upcoming election and coronavirus pandemic.
According to USA Today, a recent poll from Sports and Leisure Research Group found that slightly more than half of Americans say they already have or plan to stockpile food and other essentials.
The stockpile wave comes as Americans fear a resurgence in the coronavirus pandemic, the poll found, with a smaller number citing potential unrest surrounding November’s presidential election.
“We still see a majority of Americans are concerned that we will see more spikes in COVID, and it’s beginning to rear its head in a number of states,” Jon Last, president of the Sports and Leisure Research Group, said in a statement reported by USA Today. “At the same time, there is COVID fatigue.”
However, USA Today reports Americans are unlikely to see the same shortages they experienced back in March and April with grocery chains “stocking up on supplies ahead of the winter months to ensure they can meet demands as COVID-19 cases increase.”