Can Your Period Make You More Clumsy?



Source: Dylan Robinson
Do you suffer from bouts of clumsiness at certain times each month? A greater tendency to trip over, break or drop things? Turns out being extra clumsy right before and during your period is a common thing and there is one hormone you can blame for it.
The problem is progesterone. Right before your period levels of progesterone in the body drop and it is this drop that causes some women to be extra-accident prone and experience a marked lack of coordination.Source: Getty Images
Adding to the drop of progesterone, we also experience a drop in estrogen right before our period. This can cause a foggy brain, tiredness and slower reaction times. Put the two together and voila! No wonder some of us knock things over, drop cups and trip over sidewalk cracks right before and during menstruation.
The PMS clumsy factor is so pronounced, one study in the United Kingdom found nearly half of all car accident admissions involving females happened either right before, or during, their period.

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